Friday, September 12, 2008

Social Constructionist Perspective

Communication is the way we tell others information about ourselves, our culture and beliefs, our own style and attitudes, and rules. Each culture in our society has a way and means of identifying that they are apart of a certain group with specific beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions, but often times we are set apart from eachother for these basic things. We communicate about things we know through our everyday experiences and interactions.

In some cultures we are taught to do and act a certain way. I do not believe that it necessarily has to be from a specific culture, but I think we as people are alike in so many ways. What one culture believes a certain subject is okay to discuss, whereas another culture may reject it are just differences that we have due to what our family taught us. It doesn't have to mean that it came from a specific culture. I think our background and what our family discussed with us is okay to discuss with anyone will shape how or what we will say.

1 comment:

Persiangirl said...

The book defines the social constructionist perspective as "a process whereby people and groups using the tools provided by their culture create collective representations of reality" (pg 30). I completely agree with your opinion that our beliefs and opinions really do set us apart sometimes. And I also agree that as people we are alike in many ways. On the other hand I do agree with the definition that the book gives in that we do pick up a lot of our ways of communicating and opinions by the culture that we come from. Culture as our background ethnically, where we grow up and our family beliefs do all influence how we communicate. But I also disagree with this perspective because I feel rather then most of our beliefs coming from our cultural background, I feel as though direct experience does play a big role. This perspective does in many ways make sense but I believe that culture plays a fifty percent role in our communication and direct experience that other fifty percent.