Saturday, September 20, 2008

Well known speaker in the Presidential race

As I had posted before about delivering a speech, when a person is very involved and/or passionate about what they believe in, it will show in their speech. The knowledge a person has about a topic or subject will only enhance their speech and make them a credible speaker. In terms of the presidential race, Barrack Obama is a great speaker. He is great at obtaining the attention of his audience, men and women c like him for his ability to deliver a great speech. Obama knows what he is talking about and voters want to see this. Many have said that Obama's attractiveness does play a role in his presidential campaign, but I do believe he is an attractive man for his age and status, however I really pay attention to what he has to say about our country and the experience he has. I pay attention to what he is going to do if he is elected, which should be the most important part of his speech. I think power is also another quality that good speakers should have. The power to captivate the thoughts of others and either persuade them or inform them of their topic to give a lasting impression. I know after Obama had delivered a speech one night, my co-worker and I were talking about it the very next morning. It had given us an impression of him as well as such a great speech he delivered, that made it the first topic on our discussion while we worked.

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